In & Of Itself

March 18, 2021 at 2:51 pm | Posted in 2020 | Leave a comment
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I realize that, outside of the strangely blurred lines of 2020 entertainment, this Hulu show may not be considered a film. Would it have shown in theaters? I have no idea. But, I just felt like I had to say something about it. I really have no idea what to call it or even how to describe it, exactly. I will say this, though: see it. Whoever you are, see this film. I have never experienced anything quite like it. I really want to share as little as possible, because part of the joy is in the surprise (so, please don’t watch the trailer if you are going to see the show). Created by Derek DelGaudio, this performance (I think that’s the best thing to call it) takes the audience on a frankly astonishing journey. DelGaudio, who would probably best be called a performance artist (though some would say “magician”), simply talks to a small New York audience for 90-minutes. That may seem like it will be boring. And, for the first little bit, you might wonder why you are bothering. Stick with it. Because, when it gets going, you will wonder what’s happening. And, see it with someone, because, when it’s over, you’ll want to ask each other “what was that?” There’s something deeply moving and compassionate about DelGaudio and the story he is telling (or is it a story? what’s the right word?). I want to talk through what I thought his message was. I want to know what you think his message was. This looks like a one-man show, but really the audience are all part of the show. And DelGaudio wants us, on the other sides of our TVs, to also feel like we’re performers in this show as well. And that what we are all performing is something much larger than what is happening on that stage on that one night. Parts of this film had me dumbstruck, and parts had me weeping at the incredible, tender human connectedness DelGaudio was trying to create. See this film. Oh, and when you do, stay through the credits. It feels strangely like something close to real magic.


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