Enola Holmes

October 4, 2020 at 3:08 pm | Posted in 2020 | Leave a comment
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◊ ½

Well, I guess this film is a bit better than the last one. By that I mean it is more honestly what it appears to be. I would have been fooled into seeing #Alive in the theaters and been quite disappointed. I would not have ever bothered with this one if it weren’t for free and I hadn’t just finished binging “Castle Rock,” season 2, and needed something to watch. The story of Sherlock Holmes’s precious younger sister is exactly as sappy as it sounds. She has to solve the mystery of her mother’s disappearance by piecing together ridiculous clues (that no real human being would have ever deciphered) and going on a rollicking trip to London with a pretty (but fairly vacuous) boy in tow. Of course, there’s a villain not on her trail who is too over-the-top to be anything but silly. But, this is a film for kids, probably tweens would be my guess. And, I bet they would mostly find it enjoyable. I mostly found it to be a benign way to distract me from my games of solitaire. Take that as you will.


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