
September 16, 2019 at 1:57 pm | Posted in 2019 | Leave a comment
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This is not the sort of film I would ever plan to attend. I have not seen “Showgirls” or “Magic Mike” or “Striptease.” These types of movies (be they serious or campy) feel a little exploitative to me. But, when I read several reviewers suggesting that J.Lo ought to be nominated for an Oscar, I was more than a little curious (almost incredulous, in fact). As it turns out, my incredulity was unfair, as Lopez gave a remarkably strong performance, though I think the real star was Constance Wu (“Crazy Rich Asians,” “Fresh Off the Boat”). Based on a true story (as, it seems, is virtually every movie these days), the story traces a group of erotic dancers who develop a way to scam rich men out of tens of thousands of dollars over the course of an evening. It’s difficult to categorize this film. It certainly has elements of comedy. In fact, the film is sometimes very funny, though most of those jokes are delivered so bone dry that you can easily find yourself thinking, “wait. Was that meant to be a joke?” On the other hand, the story arc of the film is quite serious and some moments are deeply touching (even heartbreaking), especially Destiny’s and Ramona’s relationship. But the film isn’t exactly a drama, either. Mostly, it’s just a raucous good time. There is lots of loud music, laughter, dancing, and general carrying on. This mood, more than anything else, is what propels the movie along. It would be hard to get bored or to even spend much time criticizing the film, because you get so caught up in the momentum. That said, this is a solidly good film, but it is nowhere near a great one. Lopez does play her character well. She is sassy, sexy, angry, cruel, sweet, and vulnerable; and all of those emotions are believable. No matter what she does, the audience likes her. That’s a tribute to Lopez, but I’m not sure she deserves an Oscar for it. When people like Glenn Close aren’t rewarded after stunning performances, I am not sure how Lopez gets on the list. So, maybe not as good as I was led to believe, but definitely a fun, funny, and moving film none-the-less.

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