
March 18, 2021 at 1:56 pm | Posted in 2020 | Leave a comment
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◊ ◊ ◊ ½

In the world of animation, it must be hard these days to not be Pixar. They just seem to own and dominate everyone in the animation space. And, they are like fast food of movies; they just keep putting them out there. They released two movies this past year (“Onward” and “Soul”), both of which are nominated for Oscars. How does a studio take that on? Well, Cartoon Salon is sure trying. This lovely little film from the Irish studio is also up for an Oscar this year. It won’t win, but I’d be glad if it did, just to shake things up a bit. While, it lacks the emotional complexity and superb visuals of a film like “Inside/Out” or “Coco,” it still has a lot of charm and character. The story of a wolfwalker and the human friend she recruits to help her save her mother, is very typical animated fare. Not too scary that a young child can’t watch, but mature enough to entertain most tweens and many adults (teens, as you know, are impossible). The rough, sketchy animation is part of the film’s charm, and it seems to augment the sense of the magical occurring. Not much too surprising happens here, but it’s a nice, tight package that’s easily entertaining enough for any young kid or animation buff.


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